News and Events


Below are the Events and News of Planet Bioplastics



05 Sep, 2023
PLAST MILANO 2023   Visit us! You will find us at Plast in Milano Fiera from next September 5-8, 2023, hall 9P booth C142 with Caldara Plast.   ...

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09 Jun, 2022
MECSPE - BolognaFiere
MECSPE BolognaFiere    Visit us on 9-10 June at MECSPE 2022, the international reference fair for the manufacturing industry, at BolognaFiere in Hall 36, Caldara Plast Stand C12.         ...

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03 May, 2022
GreenPlast Milano 2022
GREENPLAST MILANO 2022   Visit us! You will find us at GreenPlast in Milano Fiera from next May 3-6, 2022, hall 14 booth 78 with Caldara Plast.     ...

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05 Jan, 2022
POLIMERICA: Academy and industry allied in bioplastics
Planet Bioplastics combines the skills of two university researchers, a commercial technician from industry and a compounding and recycling company, to provide support to custumers who want to produce bioplastics.         Full ...

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01 Jan, 2021
Planet Bioplastics is partner of the European research and innovation project PRESERVE "High performance sustainable bio-based packaging with tailored end of life and upcycled secondary use". The starting date was January 1st, 2021, with an ...

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01 Jun, 2019
BBI JU Project BIOnTop
Planet Bioplastics is a partner of the four-years research and innovation project BIOnTOP "Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings" (starting date 1st of June 2019), ...

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01 May, 2019
Planet Bioplastics is a partner of the three-years research and innovation project ECOFUNCO “ECO sustainable multiFUNctional biobased COatings with enhanced performance and end-of-life options” (starting date 1st of May 2019), funded under ...

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